Monday, August 07, 2006

Booklist for everyone!!

My reading habit only started since year 2000, that is, when I was at the age of 25. However, it is never too late to begin this critical, important and useful habit. I wish the following booklist can give you a boost to start this great habit! I have grouped titles in the following categories:
  1. Self Improvement
  2. Management
  3. Business
  4. Investment
  5. Anceint Chinese
  6. Japan Studies
  7. Fiction
  8. Others
(*= recommdend; **= highly recommdend)

Self Improvement
*Who moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson
**How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
How to read a person like a book by Gerald I. Nierenberg and Henry H. Calero
The Elephant and the Flea by Charles Handy
What Color is your parachute
Gakumon no susume (Japanese)
The Book of Five Rings
聰明是看故事學來的 (Chinese)
Present by Spencer Johnson
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
**厚黑學 (Chinese) by 李宗吾
正信的佛教 (Chinese)


**Gods of Management
**In Search of Excellence
**Built to Last
松下人才學 (Chinese)
**Good to Great by Jim Collins
What is Six Sigma?
Tipping Point
**The Toyota Way
**Management Challenges for the 21st Century
*Best Practices
**Only the Paranoid Survive by Andrew Grove
**One from Many by Dee Hock
**指導者の条件 (Japanese) by 松下幸之助
**Our Iceberg Is Melting by John Kotter

Age of Access
7.11消費心理學 (Chinese)
The Death of Demand
日本第一商人 46則賺錢智慧 (Chinese)
*Blue Ocean
**The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz
**It's not the Big Eat the Small, but Fast Eat the Slow by Jennings; Hughton
*Saving the Sun by Gillian Tett
**The Long Tail by Chris Anderson
Google成功的7堂課 (Chinese) by 羅耀宗

**Rich Dad Poor Dad
*Smart Couple Finishes Rich
**Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
**Investment Biker by Jim Rogers
**Adventure Capitalist by Jim Rogers
*一個投機者的告白 (Chinese) by Andre Kostolany
*A Mathematican Plays the the Stock Market by John Allen Paulos
**What goes Up by Eric Weiner
**Of Permanent Value
美元的墮落 (Chinese) English = The Demise of the US Dollar

Anceint Chinese (All in Chinese, of course)
*老子 (道德經)

Japan Studies
被誤解的日本人 (Chiense)
漫畫日本1 (Chiense)
漫畫日本2 (Chiense)
*The Chrysanthemum and the Sword by Ruth Benedict

紅頂商人胡雪巖 (Chinese)
德川家康 (Chinese)
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wayne Jones
**Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis

Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud
The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas L.Frideman
**A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
Dude, Where's My Ccountry? by Michael Moore
*空想科學讀本 (Chiense)
Men Loves Bitches by Sherry Argov
漫畫霍金 (Chiense)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very astonishing list Boss, Since I saw "被误解的日本人”in the list, how do you feel"The Chrysanthemum and the Sword"?