Monday, March 26, 2007

Book: Mr.China

A dramatic adventure of an English man and a US investment banker in China in 1990s. Starting from scratch, they visited hundreds of factories across China, they rasied over USD400million of private capital and inject cash into plants they think which will become good investment. However, it turns out the rule of the game in the East is very different from the West. Factory directors putting their self interest before that of the business, workers holdings broken bottles smashing into director's meeting and partners of the joint venture setting up another plant right next to the joint venture itself for compeition. All these events set stage for a head on conflict among the workers, managers, investors and the government.

In the last 30 years from 1977 to 2007, since China opens up herself, there is tremendous change in economics, politics, social and the life of every individual. We always listen to news about China and India, their huge domestic economy and about investment opportunities in other emerging markets. Nonetheless, how many of us ever visited these places? How many locals we talked to? Did we live with them and understand them, their daily life, their goals and purpose? Tim Clissold did it himself and tell his true story of what he encountered in this book. As a Chinese educated under the English school system, I love the name of each chapter given by Tim. All the names are famous Chinese Proverb (諺語) and some of which has history of over 2000 years.

I recommend this book to anyone interested in the development of Chinese economy.

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