Thursday, March 29, 2007

Book: Managing in the Next Society

Another classic by Peter F.Drucker. This book is first published in 2002, and it is one of the last few titles written by Peter Drucker, before he died in 2005.

His original and distinct views of society, businesses, organizations, and demographics provides macro views for all kinds of people, whether they are CEOs or just knowledge worker or just a man on the street. A few quotations from his book will let readers know how these trends are formed in past two centuries and how things going to form in the coming 50 years.

He divided the book into 4 parts: The Information Society, The Business Opportunities, The Changing World Economy and The Next Society. Part I reviewed the formation of modern western culture from the invention of printing in 16th century to the industrial revolution in 18th century and information revolution in the 20th century. Part II, which is about businesses, would be the focus of CEOs, entrepreneur and senior managers. In particular, anyone working in the finance field and already in managerial position should read chapter 9, "Financial Services: Innovate or Die". Part III explained the gradual shift of power from producer to consumer and also how organizations changes from "property and power" driven to "purpose and function" driven. Lastly, he explained how demographics will lead to the formation of workforce in the coming 20-40 years, and how organizations, be it businesses or non-profit have to deal with it employees, associates, full time, part-time and retirees.

Actually the book is less business oriented than most management books, but this is what I am looking for from Peter Drucker.

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